Celebrating 75 years


Watch the intricate details of creating a fine custom home.

Watch the Monetti Story 2021

“I believe in today’s custom building market. Things like impeccable product and attention to detail should be a given. Any confident builder can join two pieces of wood together and make them a smooth miter. What they can’t necessarily achieve is what we bring to the product in terms of the love, passion and care that integrates all of these factors together, holds the clients’ hand from beginning of the process all the way to the end and carries them years after. That’s what we do. That’s the love.” Robert Monetti


Take Flight

Take flight as you soar through the levels of this stunning beach home that was custom built along the NJ coastline.

Interview with Joshua Rosenbloom

See what our clients are saying about working with Robert Monetti and his team.

Interview with Robert Monetti

Catch an inside glimpse of Robert Monetti’s process to building his prestigious custom homes along the NJ coast in this exclusive interview with Paul Rugarber of PDR Design.

Home Construction

Project Management at its Best!

This is what we do. Culmination of 35+ years addressing problems before they occur. This is the difference between simply calling insulation sub-contractors and actually managing & anticipating potential errors before they occur. See the difference…

Outdoor Living- Home Designs

View a collection of homes we have built along the NJ coast. These exteriors were built with the capacity to withstand the natural elements of living at the New Jersey Shore.

Creation of a Landmark Home

Monetti Custom Homes is spearheading the return of glory to Seaside Park, NJ. This 8500 sq ft. gorgeous ocean front home is a landmark home that emulated the resurgence of the classic NJ shore architecture from the 1920’s. Monetti is proud to continue to build these types of custom homes along the luxurious coastal waters of NJ.

Miles of Blue Stone

Installation day of an expansive outdoor blue stone patio. Watch the craftsman lay each stone by hand. If he doesn’t like it he resets it. This is how we install a patio all 2,800 square feet. Expansion joints, miles of blue stone…

Oceanfront Wall Raising

Raising the walls at our new oceanfront construction in Seaside Park, New Jersey.

Building A Custom Home Timelapse Video

Check out a timelapse video where we erect steel framework for our new 10,000 sq ft oceanfront custom home in Seaside Park, New Jersey.

Erecting Structural Steel in Seaside Park

Although erecting the steel was a two day install, the process leading up to this point takes months.The approval and confirmation process is extremely thorough; starts with the architect’s renderings, to shop drawings, to confirming heights of steel, back to the architect for approval, and ends with our final approval.

Building A New Home In Spring Lake – Front Exterior

We are building a new 8,000 sq ft custom home in Spring Lake which will be coming to an end by midsummer. This is footage of the front exterior and detached garage facing the street, just a couple blocks from the beach.

Installing Rebar Work In Seaside Park

Rebar work reinforces the footings and grade beams. Concrete is extremely strong in compression, however, these steel bars are needed to compensate for concrete’s lack of strength in tension. This reinforced masonry allows the home to successfully carry the stress load.


Robert Monetti – Asbury Park Press

Monetti Custom Homes is a member of the following esteemed organizations.